During the XXV Edition of the Biennale Europea d’Arte Fabbrile the
will take place and the theme of the Competition designated by the Organizing Committee with the patronage of Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi is:
meant as the state or quality of being light in weight
The sculptures will be exhibited during the main event in the suggestive Piazza B.Tanucci and they will be used as staging elements for the creation of a Sculptural Path.
14th May: deadline for the acceptance of applications for registration, both for requests sent online via WeTransfer to the address ferrostia@gmail.com and for those sent by paper mail.
18th May: deadline for the Organizing Committee to request any integrations
from the participants.
21st May: communication of the choice of sculptures selected by the members of the Council composed of:
Maria Gemma Bendoni (President), Benedetta della Bordella (Vice President), Ariella Lanini, Melissa Gigli, Daniela Ceccarelli, Linda Innocenti, Valeria Grofi, Olga Fiorini, Gioia Landi, Francesca Busi, Chiara Bergamaschi, Pierpaolo Biagiolini, Sandro Faggioli, Luca Fiumicelli, Nicola Fiumicelli.
From 9:00 of Tuesday 29th August until 18:00 of Wednesday 30th August: deadline for the delivery of the works.
31st August – 03rd September: exhibition of the selected sculptures.
3rd September: communication and awarding of the three winning
The non-winning sculptures must be withdrawn by 12:00 on Monday 04th September.
Attendance to the competition is dependent on the acceptance without reservation of all the rules laid down in this Regulation and of the unappealable decisions of the Jury.
This competition is open to adult artists (over 18) who propose original projects, under penalty of exclusion from the competition. The Association reserves the right to disqualify participants, even a posteriori, with the restitution of the prize in the event of a win. In that case the prize will be given to the competitor who follows them in the ranking list. If the competitor is among the winners and is excluded from
the competition, all the necessary costs for the withdrawal will be his/her full responsibility.
The “4th International Sculpture Competition” with the theme “LIGHTNESS” will be set up in Piazza B. Tanucci in Stia during the days of the Biennale Europea d’Arte Fabbrile (31.08.2023 – 03.09.2023).
No registration fee is required, but the competitors will have to pay:
The sculptures must be realized using mostly metal/metals. Proposals involving the use of other materials in the maximum percentage of 20% may also be accepted.
The “whole” size of the sculpture must be contained in a virtual parallelepiped with dimensions equal to 1000x1000x2000 mm. The height of the sculpture must be: 1000 mm minimum, 2000 mm maximum.
Since the works will be exhibited in a public area, it is necessary to take into consideration aspects related to visitors’ safety and health, therefore the works must not protrude beyond the square base which will have dimensions equal to 1000×1000 mm (variable height depending on the height of the work to be exhibited).
Works to be mounted on the wall are to be excluded, therefore they must necessarily be self-supporting. Furthermore, for reasons of public safety and for possible theft problems, the parts that contain easily extractable and disassembled elements are to be excluded.
The base of the works must be equipped with an appropriate method of attachment to the underlying wooden base, if it were not sufficient to keep the work itself stably still.
Proposals must be sent in the form of drawings (in A3 paper format or PDF format) on a 1:10 scale or with models (the images of the models must be in JPG format up to 3MB in size) together with:
Together with all this, the Application Form must be properly completed in its entirety.
Applications must be sent online via WeTransfer to the address ferrostia@gmail.com or via paper mail to the following address
Associazione Autonoma per la Biennale d’Arte Fabbrile
c/o Colonica del Palagio Fiorentino
Via Vittorio Veneto n. 33
52015 Pratovecchio Stia (Ar) – Italia
The deadline for accepting applications is Sunday 14th May 2023 (those received after this date will be excluded from the competition). The selection of the applications received online or by ordinary mail will take place by Sunday 21st May 2023 – by that date the selected competitors will receive communication of the choice of sculptures selected to participate in the aforementioned competition.
The works must necessarily arrive in Stia, in Piazza B. Tanucci, from 09:00 on Tuesday 29th August 2023 until 18:00 on Wednesday 30th August 2023. The non-winning sculptures will be collected by 12:00 on Monday 04th September 2023 in Piazza B. Tanucci in Stia.
Nothing but the sculpture – with no further set-ups – must be placed on the exhibiting base made available by the Autonomous European Association of Blacksmith’s Art to the Biennale Europea d’Arte Fabbrile.
The transport of the works will be at the expense of the participants.
Only and exclusively the sculpture must be positioned on the display base made available by the Autonomous Association for the Biennale Europea d’Arte Fabbrile, without further equipment.
The three winning sculptures of the competition will be rewarded as follows:
Among the selected participants, the Jury will determine the three winning sculptures
and their decision will be unquestionable, irrevocable, and final.
The names of the winners will be announced during the Award Ceremony, which will take place on Sunday 03rd September 2023 at 17.30 in Piazza B. Tanucci in Stia.
The organizers ensure the utmost care for the works received but they do not take responsibility for potential transport damages, tampering, fire, theft, or other problems during the time of the event, of the exhibition and when in storage. If they deem it appropriate, the authors of the selected works will be able to take care of the insurance of the works as they see fit.
During the time of the competition and after the end of the Biennale, the Association
reserves the right to photograph some of the works received in order to publish them on ntheir active social media and web channels, so as to increase the participation in the competition and give visibility to the results. This selection will not be relevant for the purpose of identifying the finalist and winning works of the Competition.
Each candidate explicitly authorizes the Autonomous Association of the Biennale Europea d’Arte Fabbrile, as well as their direct delegates, to process personal data pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003 (Privacy Code) and subsequent amendments, also for inclusion purposes in the Association’s database.
Any questions and clarifications on this announcement must be sent by email to the
address ferrostia@gmail.com.
Click on the button and download the regulation of the 4rd INTERNATIONAL SCULPTURE COMPETITION4
Click on the button and download the regulation
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