Biennale Europea d'Arte Fabbrile di Stia

5th course – Decorative component in structural insertion

Each subject of this course will be based on a research approach and on contemporary forms with the use and the application of new working techniques.

The definition of decorative elements does not comprehend only the element or the elements contained in a loom or in a frame, in which they are used as space-fillers or as structural reinforcements, but they can substitute or represent the structure itself, whether that is static or moving.

The decorative element may be used both as a functional component and as an end in itself.


  • Illustration of new methods that can be applied to different working techniques.


  • The students will have to plan, interpreting it freely, a drawing featuring contemporary forms, using the acquired techniques.

  • Possible alternative: “group project” (max 2 students).
  • The students will have to show, singularly or as a group, the contents of their project to the rest of the class, and also give an opinion about their classmates’ projects.

  • The classroom debate is useful to decide on any possible adjustment to the different projects.


  • The teacher will perform with each and every student the tests that are considered necessary to the development of their work, the class will follow and take notes about this entire stage regarding the test execution.
  • The decorative components made by the teacher during and for the tests will not be included in the projects.
  • Each working phase of the projects conducted by the students will be rigorously monitored by the teacher in order to achieve the maximum qualitative result.